#1 Best Seller in 12 Countries

Pragmatic Psychology

By Susanna Mittermaier!

Pragmatic Psychology by Susanna Mittermier :: Bestseller in 12 countries


What if your insanity is the sanity that changes the world?

If you would go to a psychologist and tell them that your insanity is a gift to the world, they would probably nod, scratch their chin, adjust their glasses, do their best to look understanding and in their head you would sense the alarm going off: “Oh my god! This person is totally nuts! What diagnose will I give them?”

What if your craziness and everything this world calls insane, is a gift to the world not yet discovered? Would you be willing to get over the necessity to fit in, to be normal, average and the same and explore the true brilliance of you? The greatest brilliance is you being you! You are what the world requires!


Gary Douglas, founder of Access TestimonialPragmatic Psychology is one of the most gratifying books one could read.


I was a psychology major in college and learned that psychology is the study of knowing, only to discover that it had been changed over the years to be the study of how to make people behave.


This book returns us to the basis of psychology, the return of knowing and awareness. If you ever doubted yourself you will be glad that you found this book."

Gary Douglas Founder of Access Consciousness™


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Pragmatic Psychology by Susanna Mittermaier

Strumenti Pratici Per Essere Follemente Felici!

Tutti quanti hanno almeno un persona 'pazza' nella propria vita, no? (Anche se si tratta proprio di noi stessi!) E ci sono un sacco di etichette e diagnosi là fuori- depressione, ansia, ADD, ADHD, bi-polarismo, schizofrenia, OCD, autismo...

...E se ci fosse una possibilità diversa con la malattia mentale? E se la malattia mentale fosse una capacità? E come sarebbe se il cambiamento è la felicità fossero una realtà a completa disposizione per te?

Mag. Susanna Mittermaier è una psicologa clinica con una straordinaria capacità di facilitare ciò che questa realtà spesso definisce come pazzo, da un punto di vista completamente diverso- uno di possibilità e facilità.

E se tutto fosse l'opposto di quello che sembra? Come sarebbe se potessi impiegare e goderti la tua pazzia (e quella delle persone attorno a te) e creare più facilità per te e per gli altri?

Se avessi gli strumenti per cambiare il punto di vista dj questa realtà riguardo alla malattia mentale, li useresti?

Susanna Mittermaier, born in Vienna, Austria, is a psychologist educated at the University of Lund, Sweden, where she worked at the university hospital in child oncology and the psychiatry department with psychotherapy and neuropsychological testing. She is the founder of the new approach, Pragmatic Psychology and author of the #1 international bestselling books, “ Pragmatic Psychology”, “Advanced Pragmatic Psychology” and other books. As a highly sort after public speaker and keynote speaker, Susanna has been featured in magazines such as Forbes, TV soap, Psychology Today, Women’s Weekly, Ooom, Wienerin, Empowerment Channel Voice America, Om Times, Motherpedia, Newstalk New Zealand, Holistic Bliss and many more. Susanna offers a new paradigm of psychology called Pragmatic Psychology and is known for her ability to transform people’s problems and difficulties into possibilities and powerful choices. www.pragmaticspsychology.com

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